In the News
Project photographer Noe Montes, left, photographs Adan Ortega of Fullerton for Miguel Luna's, middle, Power of U project on Feb. 8, 2017, in Los Angeles. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
By: Esmeralda Bermudez, LA Times 3/30/17
When Miguel Luna began to wear the little black pin, he wasn’t sure how people would react. “I’m either going to get hugged or I’m going to get punched,” he told his wife. The presidential election was a few days away and Luna had just launched an online photo project that he called “the Power of U.”
U stood for undocumented, and the idea was to share the stories of the formerly undocumented, and of their parents and grandparents. He would take their photos and gather their tales and then give each a black pin to wear, bearing the white letter U.
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Diego Ortiz - Telemundo
Spanish Coverage -
Historias de inmigrantes a través de la fotografía - El proyecto "The Power of U" pretende ponerle voz y rostro a hispanos marcados por la lucha, el valor y la participación en la vida de Estados Unidos.